Publication Fees

Room of Civil Society Development is an open-access journal which means that all articles are freely available without subscription charges or registration barriers to the interested readers or his/her institution. Therefore, to support the cost of wide open-access dissemination of research results, managing the various costs associated with handling and editing of the submitted manuscripts, and the Journal management and publication in general, the authors or the author's institution is requested to pay a publication fee for each ACCEPTED article.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Indonesian Author(s): 32 USD / 500.000 IDR
Indonesian Author(s) in collaboration with International Author(s): 16 USD / 250.000 IDR
International Author / Non-Indonesian Affiliated Author(s): FREE
Manuscript Submission Charges: FREE

Waivers and Discounts

This journal offers waivers and discounts to international authors (non-Indonesian affiliated authors), and to certain situation such as journal's promotion.

However, if the author do not have the funds to pay the fee, the author still have the option to waive any fees by including the reasons to the editor receives, and of course, this is only given to manuscripts rated qualified by the editor because we do not want to incur the cost of preventing the publication of good work.

Other Fees (Optional)

Fast Track Review If time is critical in author's publishing strategy, our Accelerated Publication options can help the author to get editorial process faster. By this option, the author can keep a competitive advantage by getting author's discoveries to market quickly and speed up the peer review process without sacrificing quality of the manuscript. Fast Track Review service is driven entirely by editorial considerations and independent peer review, ensuring the highest standards are maintained. Fast Track Review service takes one week for the peer-review process. Fast Track Review service can applied after the submitted manuscript pass the initial review by Editor-in-Chief. The fee for this service is IDR 300.000.